Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Snow Day

It was a day for the record books here in Norfolk, VA- we got approximately 7-8 inches of snow which hasn't happened in over 10 years! In the 3.5 years that we've been living here we've never seen more than a dusting of the white stuff. I have to admit, I was totally skeptical of the winter storm warning issued yesterday and openly mocked my salon for closing and rescheduling my pedicure, the people stacked like sardines at the grocery stores, and all the local schools and businesses that shut down before even a solitary flake fell to the ground. I assumed it was a typical overreaction but I now stand corrected! I love snow so I'm more than happy to admit that I was wrong!

We had a great day today- stayed in our pajamas until after 10am, played in the snow, watched some Australian Open tennis, and I managed to get my closet partially cleaned out and 2/3 of my maternity clothes packed up and put away! It appears that tomorrow is going to be another snowed in day- our church has already cancelled all services so we're planning to stick pretty close to home again and just enjoy the beauty of the snow since it'll likely be gone by Monday since the temp is supposed to get up to 40 degrees.

Without further ado... here are the pictures! Enjoy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ally at 22 months and 3 weeks

The little monkey discovered today that she could hang on the dining room table to swing just like the uneven bars at the gym!

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Hank at 3 weeks and 4 days

Our little Hank weighed in at 9 lbs and 13 oz (fully clothed and diapered) today!
I LOVE the last picture! My dad took it while we were standing in front of our back door and the light was just right.

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Two Potato Heads!

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Future Cadets

Hank and Ally received some really cute VMI clothes from some family friends so yesterday we got all decked out and had a photo shoot. Ally even had on VMI socks! Matthew was so proud!

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Because I'm Too Tired To Write Much.....

Because I'm too tired to write much, you get a few paragraphs and lots of pictures! Hank is three weeks old tonight! He's doing really well and seems to be growing before our very eyes! Ally is a fabulous big sister and is adjusting better than we could ever have hoped. I spend most of my waking moments feeding kids. Hank still eats every 2 hours during the day time (except between 4pm and 8pm when he's hungry NON STOP!) and every 3-4 hours at night. Ally has regressed in her eating habits so I spend approx two hours a day feeding her as well.

Matthew is aboard the USS Bataan in Haiti helping to provide humanitarian assistance. He hasn't been ashore and most likely won't have the opportunity to do so since he's spending most of his time in the tower helping to coordinate the many helicopters flying back and forth from the ships and the island that are carrying wounded Haitians, food, water and medical supplies. We still don't know when he'll be home, but I'm mentally preparing myself for a few months. Hopefully it won't take that long. The ship's water production system has broken so the entire ship is on restriction. They're eating off of paper plates to avoid using the dishwashers and the showers have been cut off. After three days Matthew says they're all starting to get pretty ripe, but spirits are still fairly high.

My dad and Ann are here for one more week before they leave to go home to San Diego after six weeks of living with us. Some moments I feel confident that I'll figure it out on my own and others I a have to fight off the panic attacks, but one way or another we'll get through it.

And now... without further ado, here are the most recent pictures taken this week. Enjoy and thanks for checking in!


First time in the crib

Ally really wanted to be in there with him which worked out great until she stood up and started trying to run around!

Out for a walk with our stylish duallie BOB!

Papa and his kiddos

Ally rockin' her favorite new bath towel

Wonder where she gets that big smile???

Mommy & her kiddos before church this morning

Sweet Ally

Hank's first real bath! Yes- he is in a pink bath chair. Don't judge him please! His cheap mommy refuses to blow money on a blue one!

He really seemed to enjoy it!

Mommy & her clean boy

Stumpless belly button at three weeks!

Handsome boy in blue!

Papa & Hank

Hank and Nana