Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rub-a-dub-dub Look who's in the tub!

Ally has finally outgrown her bath chair and tries to roll out of it or sit up during bath time. She sits really well now, but still topples over every once in a while. I don't want her do bonk her noggin on the porcelain tub so I bought her a little inflatable one. It sits right in our tub and takes a lot less water to fill up. We used it for the first time last night. Though she's wouldn't smile for any of my pictures, she seemed to really enjoy being immersed in the water. She was also particularly interested in the rubber ducky on the side of the tub- it squeaks! Bath time was definitely the highlight of the day yesterday!

The rest of the afternoon and evening were pretty rough. We had a particularly difficult day with Ally. She stubbornly refused to eat anything and cried every time I tried to get the bottle near her lips. After about 30 minutes of this last night I yelled up the stairs to Matthew to tell him he needed to come take her for a few minutes. The minute he grabbed her I burst into tears. I tried to hold it in so she wouldn't see her mom wig out, but it was no use. All the frustration came bubbling out. I went into the bedroom at least so she wouldn't have to watch me blubber like an idiot. 5 minutes later when I'd cried it all out (CIO works for mommies too!) it was back to the feeding chair. We're back at that stage where every bottle is a battle now. I'm not sure what's changed- she was doing so well for a while, but the last few days have been really miserable. I find myself doing a lot of praying because I always find myself worried and frustrated. I know we're told to cast all of our cares on Him, but sometimes it's easier said than done. I even took my frustrations out on our dog Morrison last night. I repeatedly asked him to quit humping his brother Angus. After asking nicely 7 or 8 times I finally got tired of it and whopped him on the butt a little bit harder than I meant to. I spent the rest of the night feeling guilty. Not only am I lousy mother who can't get her child to eat but now I'm a dog abuser.

I know neither of those statements are true, but sometimes I do feel like a complete failure at this game. It can get pretty discouraging but I wouldn't trade Ally for all the tea in China. She's still the best thing that's ever happened to us and somehow it's all forgotten when she falls asleep in my arms and curls into my chest as we're walking up the stairs for bed. She sighs with her sweet milky breath and somehow I find the energy to start all over the next morning.


Me said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so frustrated... you guys WILL figure this out... the girl won't let herself starve... although you may think she is... I wish I had the magic answer...

on the other hand... you crack me up... with your "tellinghim to stop humping his brother" statement... that is so funny.

You are a great mom and a great dog lover... so don't beat yourself up. I'm sure he didn't even feel the swat... and HE KNEW what he was doing wrong!

Hang in there kiddo!

Nashota said...

Happened upon your blog...I love your candor. It's great that you can express what all moms feel at one time or another. Just remember that she won't be on the bottle forever. One day you'll have a chunky two year old who refuses to eat anything but pizza and cookies! And don't worry about the dogs, they know you love them! ;)

Anonymous said...

It is going to be ok. Wish I was there to help. Lucky for you Ally's older brothers are dogs. When I am at the end of my rope the big boys get the brunt. Relax....this too shall pass! I hate it when people say that to me, so sense the sarcasm! Love ya

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of parenting. Just when you think you have the routine down, something will change to challenge your faith and patience. You are a wonderful mother and I am the witness of the dog lover you have been over the years. Keep your chin up! We all love you and will keep you in our prayers.