Sunday, December 6, 2009

T Minus 37 Hours

Blogging time has been scarce lately. Life has been quite busy preparing for a big homecoming on Tuesday... a mere 37 hours away! Today we had 5 cars detailed at our home (two belonging to us and the other three owned by two friends whose husbands are also deployed on the Bataan.) None of the cars had been cleaned for the last 7 months so it was a BIG job! We had a homecoming sign making party this afternoon as well so the house is trashed and covered in glitter! Good thing the cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow morning. Carpets will also be cleaned in the afternoon. My wonderfully helpful in laws are going to watch Ally for 5-6 hours tomorrow afternoon so I can finish up the last of my errands and put the finishing touches on our home.
We're expecting the USS Bataan to arrive sometime around 11am on Tuesday morning. Ally and I will be waiting pier side along with my friend Sarah and her kids. I'll do my best to get some pictures posted on Tuesday night so stay tuned.
In the mean time, here are a few pictures of my super cute kiddo and my super huge belly! Hard to believe that I still have another 5 weeks of growing to do! Somehow I don't think I'm going to make it all the way to January 9th!
Thanks for checking in and for all the warm homecoming wishes!


Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

WELCOME HOME MATT!!! Love you guys! jana and crew

Shannon Johnston said...

So excited that your family will be together again!