Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This past week has been a tough one here at Casa De Martin. My parents left on February 1st and lately it seems to be all I can do just to make it through the day. There isn't much time or energy left for blogging... especially after a bout of strep throat for Ally (that involved massive amounts of vomit clean up for me) and a cold for us both. So you're stuck with pictures. These first four were taken on Sunday morning- Ally was feeling well enough by that point to need a project, but she was still too contagious to take to church so we decided to make some valentines for our favorite family members. She's a big fan of finger painting!

These last pictures were taken this afternoon. Ally was getting bored and there is nothing that cheers her up like a little photo shoot... especially if it involves a chance for her to show off her mad tumbling skills!


Me said...

Hang in there sister

b said...

Happy to see more pictures of the Martin crew. Ally looks so old sitting at the table!

Shannon Johnston said...

Your doing a great job. I know it can be overwhelming at times but hang in there!