Monday, September 29, 2008

The tide was high but we're holding on....

On Thursday afternoon the wind gusted and the tides were high- a disasterous combination if you happen to live on Pretty Lake Avenue. This first picture was taken from our driveway looking down our street towards Little Creek. The Ford Focus driving down the street didn't make it and had to be pushed to high ground because the engine got flooded.

The second picture was taken from the empty lot across the street. The railroad ties used to outline our yard (to keep the kids from riding their bikes through it) but they floated away so we had some exciting times rounding them up. Thankfully we got help from two of our neighbors.

This last picture was taken by our neighbor looking down on our house from his 2nd story. If you look closely- you can see Matthew standing just inside the garage. He's drinking a beer and trying to kick water out of the garage. Despite his best efforts, we got about 3 inches of water but it could have been a lot worse.

Matthew spent most of the day outside cleaning up on Friday but we're back to normal now with no permanent damage.

1 comment:

Me said...

OMG, again. That is some CrAzY stuff you've got going on over there.... glad there was no perm. damage... but what a PAIN!!!! What was that Focus thinking?? duh?