Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome Fall

It finally felt like fall yesterday evening here in Norfolk! After watching Ally amuse herself with her toes for a while, we bundled her up and went for a walk with the boys. I had her in the bjorn and I wrapped a blanket all around her then zipped her up in my jacket. She looked so cute in her little cocoon that we couldn't resist taking a few pictures.

We're expecting the full force of a Nor'easter storm to hit us tonight and tomorrow. The forecasters are calling for moderate tidal flooding so we're fully expecting to have some water in our garage again. Winds will be gusting up to 60 mph so it's going to be a breezy few days. We'll probably skip our evening walks since we're likely to need waders to get out of the house! It's just the price we pay for living so close to the water I guess.

Ally has a doctor's appointment today. We broke down yesterday and called the clinic since she's been giving us the dickens during feeding time for over a week now. She's eating less and less every day and isn't having as many wet diapers as I think she should. I'm sure to most of you I sound like a neurotic new mommy who is just making a mountain out of a molehill. I've certainly been know to do that in the past, but I'm trying to trust my instincts on this one and they're telling me that it just isn't normal for my daughter to arch her back and scream bloody murder when I'm trying to nourish her. Her reflux medicine doesn't seem to be helping at all and I can't take it anymore. I spend way too much energy trying to force her to eat and I obsess over counting ounces all day. We need some sort of relief- a new medicine, increased dosage of the old stuff, SOMETHING!!!! I'll update tomorrow with the outcome- wish us luck!

1 comment:

Me said...

LUCKY ducks! I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall weather! Sux about the flloded garage though... but I hope you're prepared this time around!!!

I really hope they can fix Ally's reflux issue... if that's what it really is. Poor thing (you AND Ally)... doesn't she get that she is supposed to LOVE food? Mmmmm.... hopefully they figure it out! Good luck... and keep us posted! xoxoxo, C.