Friday, October 23, 2009

Good Karma and a Shameless Plug for

Before leaving for my trip to Tampa last week I noted that we were down to our last 4-5 diapers so I made a note on my calendar to order more the day before we were scheduled to return. ships next day delivery (for free with an order of $49 or greater!) After logging my standard order- 2 cases of Pampers Cruisers size 4 (an $85 value) I was able to relax in the knowledge that the diapers would be waiting on our front porch when we returned home last night. Except they weren't!

Not only was my diaper order missing, but there was a bin from the US Postal Service that should have held all of my mail for the past week that was completely empty! I totally panicked thinking that someone had stolen my diapers and my mail!

My first move was to call to have them track the order. As I feared- their records showed that UPS delivered it at 1636 to the front porch. I explained what had happened and asked them to send me a new order for another 2 cases of Pampers. The lovely lady to whom I was speaking offered to send it free of charge. I thanked her profusely but declined the offer since it certainly isn't their fault that I live in a diaper/mail stealing ghetto! She felt so bad for me that she gave me a $20 credit on my account. (this is exhibit A that rocks!)

After hanging up with Diapers it occurred to me that I really need to call the police and file a report since I'm sure my weeks worth of missing mail contained at least a few credit card apps and bills. Who knows what sort of identity theft could take place with that sort of information on the loose! Before I took this step though, I decided to check with my one helpful and awesome neighbor Sonja who lives up the street a few blocks. Low and behold- my faith in humanity is restored! No one stole my diapers- they were merely picked up by a thoughtful neighbor who was worried that they may be stolen if left out on my porch for too long! Her husband brought it all back down the street to me so now I'm not stuck diapering my daughter in newspaper today!

I didn't feel right about taking a $20 credit from for stolen diapers that were not in fact stolen so I placed my second call to the customer service department. I told them to go ahead and send the replacement order since it's not like we won't use them eventually, but that they needed to take the credit off of my account since my original order wasn't stolen. The lady I was speaking with was so impressed that I'd called to tell them this that she not only left the $20 credit on my account, but she gave me a second $20 credit! (exhibit B of awesomeness!) $40 of free diapers! That's nearly an entire jumbo sized case of Pampers free!!! Karma was on my side yesterday!

And as if that weren't enough to convince you that is every mommy's BFF... here is further proof. Several months ago - I received a shipment in which I was shorted an entire jumbo case of diapers. It was on the packing slip, yet it was missing. I called the customer service department and they sent me a new case lickity split with no questions asked along with a lovely $10 credit for my trouble!

And all this from the comfort of my living room??? I'm one happy customer for life! Or at least as long as I have kids in diapers that is!


Me said...

I heart too!

Heavy On Wholesome said...

Me too! When are you free to play?