Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Has Sprung- For The Moment Anyway

Spring has sprung in Norfolk... at least for today. We've had amazing weather for the past 5 days but it's all coming to an end tomorrow. Temperatures are expected to drop over 25 degrees. We've been doing our best to take advantage of the sun and warmth by spending a lot of time outside together.

Ally and her daddy have become fast friends again and are virtually inseparable now. I have been cast in the 'bad guy' role for the time being because I'm the one that always makes them come inside for dinner and bath time. I don't mind for now, but I've warned Matthew that next week he's going to have to step it up in the rules & regulations department so I don't get a permanent bad rap!

Hank the tank is three months old and is growing like a weed! He's such a little chunky monkey and we love seeing his dimpled legs and arms hanging out of his shorts and t-shirts. His new medication seems to be controlling his reflux pretty well and he appears to be thriving on a breastmilk diet! What a different experience for me this time around! A few nights ago he slept through the night from 9pm to 5:20 am. I totally panicked when I woke up and was sure that something terrible had happened but he was still just relaxing in his bed. It was just a one time shot though- the past three nights we've been back to one middle of the night feeding- but I'm not complaining too much. When else do I get to watch my trashy television now that Matthew is home!?! :)

We love being a family of four again and are looking forward to the next few weeks together while Matthew is on vacation. Thanks for checking in- enjoy our latest round of pictures.

Family portrait on the beach - Hank was at home sleeping

Ally and Pop Pop at her new table on Easter Sunday

Dee Dee, Mema, Pop Pop, Matthew, Ally, Wendy, Hank, Nana & Papa on Easter Sunday

A less than stellar family picture

We lost Ally for this one!

On the slide at gym class

Climbing the ladder at gym with her favorite spotter!

Hank in his stylish helicopter t-shirt

Ally & Daddy outside the World of Wonders at the Botanical Gardens

Pretty (and protected) in pink!

Hank slept through all the fun!

Ally was a brave girl and loved the slide!

She's quite the little climber!

Twirling around the fountain

Cold water!

Hank is still sleeping!

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