Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Called the Bluff...

If you followed my babysites blog you know that I recently made a difficult decision about work. I was issued an ultimatum by my boss to either come back to work full time or else they'd need to replace me. I thought long and hard about the decision and came to the conclusion that I really want to be a mommy full time and I'm not really enjoying my work here anyway so I told them that I'd stick around long enough to train my replacement but I wouldn't be coming back full time. I mentally moved on and was starting to look forward to my future as a full time stay at home mom.

Yesterday the director of my contract came to my office and told me that I could continue to work part time if I would stay. Basically I called their bluff and now they've changed their tune. It's flattering as an employee that they're willing to bend the policy in order to keep me, but at the same time it's really ticking me off. If they would have agreed to let me stay a part time employee in the first place I may have continued working this way (somewhat happily) for some time but now that I've seen the light at the end of the tunnel I've realized how much I don't like my job and how eager I was for a change. I'm pretty angry that they've put me in the position to have to make another difficult decision after Ive already made one and had closure.

Matthew and I talked about it a lot last night and still haven't really come to any conclusions. I've made a mental list of pros and cons and am going to attempt to figure it out over the weekend so I can let the bigwigs at work know my answer on Monday. No matter what we decide I know we'll make it work somehow.

On to more fun topics- Ally and I went to the swimming pool with friends Sarah, Dan, Hal & Kate yesterday. I was able to squeeze her into her strawberry swim suit, even though it's a 0-3 mo. size, so she looked adorable- as usual! She really enjoyed the water this time around- especially when I swooshed her around in it and gave her some tummy time on a boogie board.

After our fun in the pool we went home for some more play time with Daddy.

Ally enjoyed some walking practice on his tummy!

Daddy and I both love this outfit- even though 2 people have called her a boy during previous wearings. Seriously people, blue does not always mean boy!

Ally has the tastiest fingers in Norfolk!

1 comment:

Me said...

ok... so they offered to let you work part time if you stay or full time if you stay? I'm confused. Well... I know you're faced with a hard decision, but I think I will have to make that decision as well b/c I actually think work may give me the same option... but, really I think I'll stick with the same decision... based on they're only young once and we have the rest of our lives to have a career/job. Good Luck... I look forward to hearing your decision!