Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweet Sleeping Ally

Yesterday was a challenging afternoon. I don't know what was wrong with Ally all day but she was grumpy with a capital G! She wouldn't eat, she wasn't wet (though she did have a fantastically powerful blowout yesterday afternoon that required an emergency trip to the bathtub and a load of laundry), she didn't want to play, she wouldn't nap, etc... I didn't know what else to do with her and was starting to question my decision to be at home all day every day subjecting myself to this type of misery and heartache. Then sweet, glorious bedtime arrived and I saw this....

The minute I set her down she rolled over onto her side- I had to rush downstairs for my camera to capture the moment because she's sleeping in exactly the same position that I sleep in! Suddenly all my frustration of the day slipped away and I was reminded just how fortunate I am to have this little angel in my life- no matter how much of a stinker she may be occasionally.

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