Tuesday, May 5, 2009


***Updated 5/6***

It seemed like I waited forever, but Matthew finally got home last night. I met him at the door with tweezers in hand and tore off my shirt (under other circumstances it may have been sort of exciting!) I watched in the mirror as he pulled the tick out of my back- it didn't hurt too badly, but that bugger was really hanging in there! Surprisingly, it wasn't too fat so I have a new theory about how it came to take up residence just below my shoulder blade... When we were at the lake I had a laundry pile right next to the dog's bed in our room. I think the tick came in on one of the dogs, gorged herself then nestled up in the laundry pile on my navy blue t-shirt. I washed all of the laundry when we got home but yesterday I wore my navy t-shirt again, only this time, it contained an unexpected visitor. Yuck!!! Anywho, I still have an icky red blotch on my back that sort of looks like a mosquito bite, but it doesn't look like any of the pictures of Lyme disease that I found so hopefully I avoided it!
Thanks Megan for the rubbing alcohol suggestion- I knew it killed ticks once you pulled them out but it never occurred to me to try pouring it on the tick. Wish I'd read your comment sooner- it would have saved me about an hour of freaking out time!

Original Post follows__________________________________

Just found one of these stuck in my back and I can't reach it to remove it. Matthew is not home from work yet and I'm FREAKING OUT!!!! This little bitch (the females are the red ones) has most likely been there since Saturday or Sunday when I was at the lake tromping around in the weeds trying to get the dogs to poop somewhere that I wouldn't have to clean it up. I found one on Angus yesterday and removed it with my brand new tweezers- ewwww!!!
I'm doing Internet research on tick removal and Lyme disease and thought I'd throw a quick blog post up there to distract myself from the fact that this nasty thing is currently fattening up on my blood and transferring all sorts of nasty germs into my germophobic body.
Yeah.... it didn't work- I'm still Freaking with a capital F!


Anonymous said...

Drip rubbing alchol on it! It causes them to release and you can quickly brush it off into a reachable zone. :)

-Megan P

Anonymous said...

...I mean "alcohol"
