Monday, August 18, 2008

Tummy Fun

We're going to have to start strapping little Ally into her rocking chair! As you can see from these pictures, she's starting to twist around in it a lot and will be wiggling free before we know it. It's awfully cute, but a little worrisome too. We're about to enter into a whole new phase of her life where baby proofing everything from the cabinets to the toilets will become the name of the game. It's exciting to see her becoming more mobile, but it's bound to be nerve-wracking too.

Strangely enough, she seems to have forgotten how to roll from her belly onto her back now that she's gotten so good at going from back to belly. Anytime she spends any length of time on her tummy she gets bored and starts making "the most annoying noise in the world" until we take pity on her and flip her back over... at which point she inevitably rolls right back onto her belly only to repeat the entire cycle!

This forgotten skill has become quite a problem in the middle of the night lately- she'll roll onto her belly at some point then wake herself up when she can't flip back over and she wants to change positions- and you know what that means- Matthew and I get to hear "the most annoying noise in the world" at all hours in the evening. She gets so frustrated by the time we get to her that she's fully awake and ready to go. Saturday morning she was up at 4:20am, Sunday morning she was up at 5am, and today she was up at 1:35am and again at 5am.

Last night was particularly fun and exciting... in addition to the two wake ups from Ally, one of our dogs, Angus, had a nightmare and woke up screaming around 1am- I can't quite explain the noise he makes but he literally does scream.

I wish I knew what it was that terrified him so much. The poor baby gets so scared that he wets his bed. He's done this perhaps 15 times over the past 4 years or so. We can't be mad at him so we get up, comfort him, clean him off, do our best to clean up and dry out his bed and then we hope that it doesn't happen again for a while. Poor Gus.

We had a low-key weekend with the exception of all of the nighttime excitement! Some members of Matthew's extended family were passing through town on Saturday morning so we visited with them for an hour or so at the house. Matthew's 8 year old cousin Anna had a lot of fun with Ally! We attended a cut throat soccer game played by our lake neighbor Emilee and generally vegged out on Saturday night. Matthew and I both volunteered at the church nursery yesterday morning. I was in with the 2 year old kiddos and Matthew was manning the door making sure everyone had their name tags and paperwork. Ally was in the infant nursery. I made the mistake of picking up a little boy named Caleb who started crying the minute his mommy and daddy dropped him off and I wasn't able to set him down again until they came back for him. Apparently it was only his second time in a day care setting so he has some major separation anxiety. Although I don't like the fact that Ally is in daycare a lot during the week it makes me happy that she doesn't seem to have any issues being separated from us- yet.... maybe that comes later.

Olympic watching and a steak dinner with Bonnie capped off the weekend. This will be my first week of only working 4 days and taking every Friday off. I'm really looking forward to the short week and to having a full two weeks off to enjoy my parent's visit and our trip south to NC and SC over the Labor Day holiday.

1 comment:

Me said...

awww... she's so cute sleeping in her crib... I love pictures of babies sleeping and of them yawning....especially the new ones... is that weird? Yawning babies?
Anyway... YAY for 4 days weeks!
Have a good week.