Monday, December 22, 2008

Running on empty....

I am completely out of juice. After a weekend of 4:45 am wake up calls from my darling little angel we decided to change things up a little bit today and get up at 4:23a.m! I don't know what's going on, but it's killing me. To top it off, little gal has developed a nasty runny nose (just in time for Christmas) and her face was caked with dried buggers this morning. She did not enjoy me trying to wipe/ pick them off either or the fun session of bulb suctioning that followed. Poor baby. After feeding her a bottle I tried putting her back down to bed to see if she would go back to sleep. As soon as I too slipped back between the sheets she started carrying on again. Matthew was kind enough to get up and sit with her for a 1/2 hour while I stayed in bed. I wish I could tell you that I slept, but sadly I just laid there and stared at the ceiling fan.

I was in such a state of sleep deprivation this morning when I left the house that I left my purse at home! I have no driver's license, no cell phone, no lipstick, etc. Today was also the morning that I decided to cut down to only one pumping session a day- it was nice to not have to worry about it this morning, but my boobs are now killing me since it's been over 12 hours since my last pump. (Sorry if that was TMI!) Hopefully this won't last long. I plan to be completely done by New Year's Eve- just in time for a good bottle of wine to celebrate!

These pictures were taken Saturday morning in a sweet little Juicy outfit that was an early Christmas gift from Ally's great grandparents- Bob and Christa. I have some more new pictures to share, but my camera is also in my purse so I can't download them this morning. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the chance.

May the days leading up to Christmas be filled with lots and lots of holiday cheer- and sleep!

1 comment:

Me said...

Juicy pics are SO CUTE!!!! You've got a heartbreaker there ya know!

Anyway... sister, sorry about the sleeplessness, but if it's any help, I'm right there with you.... except I don't have a kid (yet) as an excuse... I just can't sleep or get comfortable enough to sleep...UGH! Maybe if you verbalize it out loud to Ally (kind of like "the Secret)... "Ally... you are going to sleep until 6 a.m. tomorrow morning, ok? I know you can do it and I know you want to... so just do it, ok? Thank you and good night!"