Monday, December 15, 2008

We have a 'Well Baby'!

Ally had her 9 month well baby check on Friday and was pronounced developmentally on target and healthy with the exception of her eating difficulties. She's up to 16 pounds and 13 ounces (a gain of 7 ounces in the 3.5 weeks since our last visit) which is only in the 10th percentile but at least she's still gaining weight. That was the measurement I was most concerned with so I sort of spaced out on recording her height and head circumference, but they were within the norms.

We thought we were going to get away with no shots on this visit, but I'd forgotten that she needed a flu shot so we visited the immunization clinic after our appointment and proceeded to momentarily upset our sweet girl. After a few wails and some tears she was back to her normal cheery self. She did have some feeding difficulties throughout the rest of the weekend as well as some serious constipation issues (sorry if that's TMI) which may have been a side effect of the shot, but we seem to be back to normal as of this morning thankfully.

Matthew and I had the privilege of working in the nursery at church yesterday morning and got to play with Ally and the other 6 kiddos in there. It was fun to see how she interacted with them. She seems to be really mellow and didn't even get upset when a little girl crawled right over her to get to a toy! I think it bothered me a lot more than it bothered her.

All in all, it was a nice weekend together! Christmas is now right around the corner and the holiday madness is in full swing. I have an office party to attend this week and we have a dinner party and a holiday open house this weekend. Matthew's brother Brian comes in town on Saturday so we'll be spending a lot of time with his family in the coming week and a half. I still have a little more Christmas shopping and wrapping to get through as well as a nightmare trip to the post office to knock out so it's sure to be a busy week! Thanks for checking in!

Mommy didn't do a good job holding the camera straight on this one, but it was such a sweet smiley face that I posted it anyway.

Ally was not a fan of the hood on this shirt. While trying to pull it off she toppled over and bonked her head on the floor which made her like the hood even less!

She loves to dump over the little wicker basket that we use to stash her toys. I imagine it will be a long time before she understands the concept of putting away a toy before bringing out a new one!
Ally really loves this activity table and is getting quite good at standing/ leaning on her own to play with it. Sadly, Matthew and I have now memorized all the annoying little songs that it plays and torture each other with our renditions!

That's one happy girl! She loves to play with her daddy.

1 comment:

Me said...

Yay Ally! You grow girl!