Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A lot to report

I've got lots of big news to report on today! First and foremost my job: I have decided to hang onto it for a little while longer. I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for doing it, but what can I say- a salary is a pretty powerful motivator. I spoke with my bosses yesterday and we agreed that I'll cut back from 32 hours a week to 25 and I'll have Fridays off. I'll still get to spend more time with Ally and bring in a little bit of income at the same time. It's not as good as being with her all the time, but I figure I can always quit again in a few months if it still isn't working for me.
I'm going to try to turn over a new leaf and be more positive about things at work- I'm thankful to be employed and thankful that my company wanted to keep me badly enough that they were willing to compromise with me. I'm thankful that Ally is doing well in daycare and doesn't seem to be at all traumatized by being left alone there for 6 hours a day- I'm also thankful that she is nearly 5 months old and hasn't been sick yet (yes, I did just knock on wood) which I attribute primarily to good healthy genes and being exposed to things from the other kids at daycare- she's building up a strong immune system.
I'm doing my best to look for silver linings and have not given up the dream of being a SAHM. I'm trying to do what's best for our family and I think I need to keep working for a little while longer. We have plans to have another baby at some point in the future and I'll definitely be at home for a while with them when there are two little ones to look after. Thanks for sticking with me through all of this drama. I hope you're not too disappointed in me.
Next in the lineup of big news- I finally caught little Ally rolling over from her back to her belly on video! Yea- now I just have to clean 28 minutes of failed attempts off the camera!

I was so proud of my little peanut!

She was a happy and cheerful little girl all day yesterday afternoon! We had lots of fun together.

All in all, life is good.

1 comment:

Me said...

Well I'm glad you made a decision... it's a big load of off your shoulders. Don't worry about disappointing people, they are not who matter. As long as you guys are happy. That's it. Plus it's BONUS that they let you work less!!! Nice.