Thursday, August 21, 2008

Loving My Life

When I started this blog last month I had visions of writing witty entries full of pithy comments and funny stories. After re-reading a few of my posts I realize that I've basically just recounted my days and included lots and lots of pictures and videos of Ally. Try as I may, I can't seem to come up with any fodder for more interesting and glamorous blogging.

I never led a particularly sensational life before we had Allison but I could hang with the big dogs on the weekends- staying up late, having some drinks, and doing spontaneous things. I had a social life that included fun and interesting activities like book group, tennis matches, trips to the gym, ladies nights, dates with my hubby, etc. That's all changed now that there is a little baby in my life who has a schedule (sort of) and frequent middle of the night wake up calls. There is something about getting up for work at 5am every day, spending my afternoons playing with Ally, changing diapers, washing and sterilizing bottles, cooking dinner and trying in vain to keep a tidy house that just zaps all the spontaneity that I once enjoyed so much.

You know what though- I am 100% okay with it all. I love my life and my new roll as a mommy! The highlight of my day is picking up my little peanut from daycare and seeing her big gummy smile. We play all afternoon together and wait for daddy to come home in the evenings so we can go on a nice long walk around the neighborhood with a shared glass of wine. I don't care that I go to bed at 9:30 every night and only make it out to dinner once every few weeks. I am completely content. Though I still want for a lot, I need nothing. We are so richly blessed with good friends, (who continue to be our friends even though we don't see them as often as we used to) a loving family who supports us in so many ways, and our happy, healthy baby girl.

How could I possibly feel like my life is lacking in any way when I see this goofy, beautiful smile every day?

1 comment:

Me said...

What a sweet blog post! I know I will 100% agree with you too. And don't be so hard on yourself... you may think your posts are boring, but no one is forcing us to read right? And yet, I check back almost daily. So that must say something about your blogging!

I love that gummy smile!