Thursday, November 13, 2008

Break out the latex gloves!

What a morning! It started off great.... Ally slept in until 5:30 am today! A wonderful change from her normal wake time of 4:05am! Matthew developed a theory that she's getting cold at night (even though we have the thermostat set at a toasty 72 degrees) and that's why she's been waking up so frequently thorough out the night and so darn early. Last night we bundled her up in her sleep sack on top of her sleeper pajamas and wouldn't you know it.... not a peep out of her until 5:30! Perhaps it was just a fluke or maybe she really has been cold all this time which officially makes me a terrible mommy for not considering that earlier! Oops!

I digress.... Anyway- after sleeping in I got her dressed in an adorable little dress because it's picture day at school today- again. We hustled downstairs and she took a bottle without too much fuss (another morning anomaly!) Afterwards I plunked her down in her activity gym for a few minutes so I could get all my stuff packed up and into the car. She played like a little angel for 10 minutes. When I scooped her up to leave I stopped dead in my tracks... oh no, what is that terrible smell?!? You guessed it, she'd pooped!

I whisked her upstairs praying the whole way that she hadn't gotten any of it on her clothing since it was time for us to run out the door. No such luck... this was the mother of all blowouts... this is the reason that the daycare providers wear latex gloves when they change diapers, this was the Mt. Vesuvius of Ca ca! In her 8 short months Ally has never had a blowout like this. I kid you not, the poop reached all the way up to her shoulder blades! How is that even possible? There was poop on her outfit, poop on her shoes, poop on my hands, poop on the changing table cover, and poop on my pajamas! We went through 20 wipes (easily) when I should have just plunked her into the bathtub and hosed her down if there had been time.

I managed to find another outfit for her fairly quickly, get myself cleaned up and get us out the door a mere 10 minutes late. I made up some time on the way to work so I was only 5 minutes late to the office. As I dropped her off at daycare I realized there was one tiny spot of poop on the toe of her pristine white tights- oh well, hopefully no one will notice that I sent a poopy child to school!

In other news, we have another appointment with the GI specialist on Monday to try to get a different medication since we're still struggling with reflux issues. Our feeding therapist agrees that it's time for a change of some sort. She can teach us all the tricks in the world, but if Ally is still in pain it's not going to make a difference. Hopefully we'll find a way to get her some relief soon.

That's all for now- time to do some real work. Here are a few pictures taken over the last few days. Enjoy!

Pensive Ally

Silly face

Smiley girl

Rocking on her hands & knees

Bundled up and ready for a walk on a brisk fall night

Chillin' on the floor with MoMo

A self portrait with Mommy

1 comment:

Me said...

Your FIRST major poop story!! Good job! I hear nothing but poop stories (in the form of advice from people)... as if I didn't already know that my kid is going to poop!!! Ahhh... makes for good fodder on the blog!
How many times does this school have picture day? Are they just trying to make money or it is b/c they change so much when they are that young? Do they have a yearbook for the end of the year? ha ha!
Glad you survived girl.... you're a champ! Love thos pic of Al too... very cool lighting... and you said you weren't creative... LIAR!