Monday, November 17, 2008

What, no pictures??

Amazingly enough, I didn't take one picture this weekend! An entire weekend of Ally's life went by undocumented! Horrors! Okay, so it's not the end of the world I guess. I'll make up for it next week while we're in San Diego.
We had a fun & relaxing weekend together. We had some new friends/ neighbors over for dinner on Friday night. We had lots of laughs and were introduced to a fun new card game called Nertz. On Saturday we made the obligatory twice monthly trip to Costco to stock up on water, wine, dog food, formula and a few other odds & ends. On Saturday night I went over to my friend Bonnie's house for a fun craft project with a few other ladies. Although I always have a hard time leaving Ally behind for the night, it was nice to spend an evening in adult company- even if I was the first one to leave because I was so tired!
Sunday we went to church, brunch, and did some early Christmas shopping at the mall. Matthew enjoyed watching the Redskins game last night even though they lost to their arch rivals, the Cowboys, in the 4th quarter.
It's shaping up to be a busy week so far. This afternoon Ally has her appointment with the GI specialist, tomorrow we have feeding therapy and Wednesday we leave for San Diego! I'm really excited for the trip, but I'm also a little bit terrified of making the plane trip by myself with Allison in tow. The last time she flew Matthew was with us and she slept a lot more than she does now. I'm worried about entertaining her on the flight, about being able to schlep around the diaper bag, my pump, my purse, the stroller and the baby, I'm worried about bad weather in Chicago where we make our connection, and lastly I'm worried about how I'm going to feed Allison since she refuses to take a bottle in my arms. I'm sure I'm making it out to be a much bigger deal than it will be, but right now I'm having a hard time getting past the anxiety of the whole ordeal.
I'm excited to see my friend Shannon, my family and San Diego friends. I'm looking forward to walking in the 3 Day, although we may not make it all 60 miles, and I can't wait to take a sunset walk on the beach! I miss San Diego so much so it's always a treat to go home.
I probably won't do much blogging while I'm away but I'll update as soon as I can find the time once we return. In the mean time, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with those you hold dear!


Me said...

Good Luck on the walk... I'm sure you'll do the whole thing...

Will you be in SD for TDAY or back in VA?

Did you say crafts?

Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

You mean I will have to wait till after Dec 1 for more photos of Ally?? Good luck on the walk. I will call you today! Hugs, Jana