Wednesday, July 8, 2009

13.5 Weeks

I officially entered my second trimester today and I'm excited to report that I have already felt this baby's first kicks! We spent the 4th of July in Lake Gaston. On Monday evening we were taking a boat ride with both sets of Ally's grandparents and her Uncle Brian. I bent down to pick Ally up and when I stood up I thought I felt a kick but I sort of blew it off because I thought it was way too early for me to actually feel any fetal movement. A few minutes later I was sitting down and I twisted around to reach something behind me and felt a big movement! So big, I gasped and whipped around in my seat and scared everyone. There is no doubt that the second time was a baby kick. So exciting! Can't wait until Matthew gets home and gets to experience that feeling for the first time. Here are two recent tummy pictures taken today. I just keep getting bigger and bigger!

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Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

you are so beautiful!

b said...

that is sooo exciting that you felt the kicks recently!!

Me said...

lookin' good chicka!