Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fantasia Tamika Dominguez

I've been having some pretty bad lower back pain for 4-5 days now. As far as I can remember, I haven't done anything to strain or injure it so I assume it is somehow related to normal pregnancy discomfort. I emailed my doctor yesterday to make sure it was okay for me to use some icy hot and to alternate a heating pad and ice packs on my back. To my surprise, she responded that she'd like me to go to the lab for a urinalysis to make sure I don't have a urinary tract infection. I've never had a UTI, but I wasn't having any other symptoms but we agreed it was better to be safe and check it out since a UTI can be bad news in the first trimester.
So, today I head over to the clinic, take my number at the lab and have a seat in a grimy chair that has seen much better days. 10 minutes later, number 93 is called and I make my way to the counter. A pissed-off-at-the-world-Philippino lady hands me my collection cup and incoherently directs me to the bathroom. After wandering around for a few minutes, I find a restroom, collect my sample and return to the lab. When I arrive, the same grumpy woman instructs me to take a number. I informed her that I'd already gotten a number and was just returning my specimen.

Philippino lady: "Who helped you?"
Me: "You did."
Philippino lady: "Look over the information on this label to confirm that everything is correct."
Me: "This isn't my label."
Philippino lady: "You're not Fantasia Tamika Dominguez?"
Me: silence..... accompanied by an icy stare......
Philippino lady: "Oh, you must be Wendy Stahl Martin."

Seriously..... do I look like a Fantasia????


Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

So, do you have a UTI?? Hope you are felling better soon! Enjoy the to you soon!

b said...

oh no!! so typical!! hope you are feeling better!

Me said...

that is freaking hilarious... at least after the fact it is. Yes... you DO look like a Fantasia... ha ha.
Seriously... where do these people come up with these names???

Shannon Johnston said...

one word.... HILARIOUS.....

Jason and I have both had our "laugh" for the day.

Hope the result was negative for the UTI. Those are NO FUN!!

Miss you.