Friday, August 1, 2008

August already?

My little Ally bear was looking so darling yesterday in her flowery capri pants and turquoise turtle shirt that we just had to have a little photo shoot. She wore this outfit because it was picture day at day care... can you believe that they take school pictures of little tiny tykes? I found that rather amusing. Her teachers told me she didn't smile for the picture so I thought I'd take some of my own so I could remember the day.

August is now upon us and I'm surprised by how fast the days and weeks are passing by. Ally will be 5 months old in a week. Even though I love the stage she's in now I find myself torn between a longing for the days when she was so new and tiny and I could wrap her up and cuddle her to my hearts content and excitement at the little pre-toddler she will become in the future months. I'm looking forward to feeding her the first bites of cereal and veggies soon, seeing her roll all the way over from back to tummy, watching her learn to sit up on her own, and a myriad of other tiny wonders. For today though, I will treasure the child she is right now- I will appreciate her tiny fingers and toes, her sweet milky breath, the way her face lights up when I nuzzle her tummy and the way she holds both sides of her daddy's face as she gazes into his eyes. She is truly our joy to behold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute and even looks like she has a tan due to the teal blue color of her shirt. It looks like "Your" colors will be "Ally's" colors as well. :)