Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday- or hump day as I like to call it. I'm looking forward to the weekend- especially since I have Monday off for the President's Day holiday! Love those 4 day weekends!

Ally and I have survived without Matthew for 8 days now- which makes this officially the longest period of time we have been apart since Ally's birth. We're managing okay, but we really miss him. Ally has been going through another really rough patch with her bottle and isn't getting the recommended daily amount of liquids. It's really stressful for me and it is just so much easier to have someone around to share in the frustration. We have another appointment with her GI specialist on Friday afternoon so hopefully we'll get some answers.

We had a nice day yesterday- we played hookey from work and day care (sort of) to visit with my good friend Lisa who came to visit us. I checked email and voicemail regularly and did some work at home in the afternoon so it wasn't a complete hookey day. Lisa came in town on Monday night, hung out with Ally and I, ate dinner with me and spent the night. On Tuesday morning we relaxed some more and went to get brunch at a local restaurant once Ally got up from her nap. It was great to have some adult conversation and a drink together. Thanks for coming Lisa!

One last bit of happy news- I've had two people at work tell me that I'm looking good this week! I've lost 10.5 pounds since I started Weight Watchers again last month and I guess it's really starting to show. I'm excited and motivated to keep going!

And finally- here are a few pictures to cap off this post. Enjoy!

Ally is fascinated by Angus' feet. She loves to play with his toenails and to pull on his dew claws. Thankfully he doesn't seem to mind too much!

She can pull up on the furniture now!

Silly ham!

She can reach lots of new things now that she can pull up! Of course she has to taste test them all!

Mo & Goose miss their daddy.

I took this picture on Sunday morning b/c Ally woke up with crazy hair. You can't really tell, but it was sticking out all over the place. I had to dunk her under the faucet to fix it for church!

1 comment:

Me said...

hang in there girl.... I'm just catching up on your blog... so I'm posting for all I've missed posting on.

Good job with the weight loss... now it's my turn.

Yay for Ally... she'll be walking in nooooo time.

hope your time away from Matthew flies by for you.

Catch you on the flip side.