Wednesday, February 18, 2009

La Cucaracha Must Die!

Last night I enjoyed some lazy time on the couch catching up with my DVR. Around 9:30 I decided it was time to call it a night. I shower at night before bed because I feel like my sheets stay clean longer that way and I just like to fall asleep without the day's funk on me. So, I let the dogs out for the last time, lock up the house, set the alarm, and head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and strip down to my birthday suit. I slide the shower door open and am poised to step into the tub when I see it! La Cucaracha!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! It is running along the track of the shower door. Ugggggggg!!!! I can handle spiders and bugs, but cockroaches freak. me. out. My skin is crawling right now just thinking of it! I froze for a split second then almost fell over in my haste to get away from it. Normally I would scream for Matthew and make him do the dirty work but I was on my own this time. I was scared to let him out of my sight while going to the kitchen for the bug spray- if I lost him I wouldn't be able to use the bathroom again for fear of him lurking in there somewhere. So, I searched around under the sink and found the 409- not ideal, but it'll work. I blasted his ass with 38 squirts of grease fighting power. He was definitely the cleanest roach in town. (Now there's an oxymoron for you!) I feel compelled to tell you that we've lived in our home for nearly 2.5 years and that is the first cockroach I have ever seen in it. No idea where he came from, but I sure hope he doesn't have friends! I did a little victory dance as I watched him circle the toilet bowl- I've discovered one more thing that I can accomplish on my own if I have to... I can kill la cucaracha!


Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

You are my favorite dork! Way to go! love you!

Anonymous said...

Just the picture I wanted to see while eating lunch.... Way to go Wendy... I hate them too.

Ally is getting cuter and cuter and she growns into her own little personality.

You and Matthew are doing an awesome job raising her.

Me said...

OMG... please post something new... so this roach is not in my line of vision when I come to your site...

Aggghhhh.... so GROSS!!!!!

Sarah said...

Well, to make you feel better, we have a pet mouse in our house. Dan FINALLY saw the fella last night. I think I've been seeing him for months but he kept telling me I was seeing things....NOW FOR THE TRAPS.
Thanks for sharing the blog, I had no idea that you and Ally had such invasive procedures. Thank God you are both ok. I had a great time this afternoon... Happy birthday Ally!