Tuesday, February 17, 2009

4 Day Weekend

Miss Ally and I had a nice 4 day weekend together (I love it when my weekends are longer than my work weeks!) We walked at the park and had lunch with our friends Libby & Natalie on Friday, attended a 1st birthday party for Ally's friend Hal on Saturday, had a Valentine's day dinner with Ally's great grandmother, Dot, on Saturday night, church & brunch with Bonnie & Dean (who shared some really happy news with us!) on Sunday, errands and a visit with Ally's grandparents who just returned from Florida on Monday.

It wasn't all fun and games though- in fact, we went through some pretty rough patches throughout the weekend. Ally has been refusing to eat, unwilling to drink her milk, and frequently vomiting up the little bit of food that I'm able to get into her. It's very frustrating for me and I'm constantly worrying if she's getting enough nutrients to grow and thrive. Since we doubled her medication dosage last week she has gotten worse. I spoke to her doctor this morning and he's going to see her on Wednesday afternoon. Matthew and I have discussed it at length in our emails this week and have agreed to let him proceed with the endoscopy, if he still wants to do one, in order to rule out some potential problems. We've been resisting the procedure thus far since we don't like the idea of our baby being under anesthesia, but nothing else seems to be working well. I've talked to other mothers who have dealt with reflux babies and they always say "As soon as we got on 'x' medication baby 'y' was just fine!" That's never been the case with Ally- even on her good days she is still really difficult.

I watched a Mystery Diagnosis show on TLC one afternoon this weekend while I was cleaning and Ally was napping. A 3 year old little boy with digestive problems was the subject of the show. He'd been diagnosed with reflux as a baby- improved briefly, struggled with constipation which seemed to be controlled by a special diet, and he vomited frequently. They assumed he just had a sensitive stomach until he got really sick right around his 3rd birthday. The parents and doctors were stumped and couldn't figure out what was wrong with him until they took him in for an Xray and discovered that he had a tear in his diaphragm which had allowed his stomach and intestines to migrate up into his chest cavity! I know Ally doesn't have this problem, but it made me think that perhaps this isn't just simple reflux and maybe we should make sure there isn't something that we've missed so far.

So- we'll see what the doc has to say tomorrow. I'll update on Thursday with the verdict.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Ally is practicing walking all over the place now with a little assistance from Mommy.

Me and Ally at Hal's 1st birthday party

Naked baby showing off her 'pulling up' skills

Gus comes upstairs to wake Ally from her nap with me. He loves his little sister and she gets awfully excited to see him. This is the picture that I snapped seconds before she fell out of her crib... Don't worry- I caught her- but it was quite a scare. From now on any crib pictures will be taken with the rail up!

She wakes up so happy- just like her mommy!

1 comment:

Me said...

sorry that you have to go thru the procedure... but i think it;s better to be safe than sorry. she will handle it like a champ.

roaches FREAK me out too,,,, ugh!
yikes on the fall,,, she did look like she was a little tall in that pic,,,, whew... good catch mom!

cute pics!.. she is becoming a little girl vs. a little baby... gosh they change so fast!!!

p.s. what was the good news shared? peggo? congrats to them!!!