Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Happenings

There is a lot going on this week in the Martin household! To start with, my parents arrived yesterday from San Diego to stay with us for a while. My stepbrother Len and his wife Melissa are going to be having a baby on or around March 5th. They live in NYC- so Dad & Ann are using Norfolk as their jumping off point- they'll stay with us until they get news that Melissa has gone into labor then they'll book it up to New York to welcome in the newest member of the family. Ally and I are thrilled to have them and are enjoying the company already.

Sometime this week (probably tomorrow) I will be taking the first step in my journey to becoming a full time SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) by turning in my notice at work. My last official day of work will be Thursday April 16th. I'm giving them 7 weeks notice so I can make the transition as easy as possible for my employer. There is no guarantee that they'll keep me around that long and a small part of me is almost hoping they don't. I'm ready to get on with life and get away from my dead end job and onto the more important business of being Ally's mom.

Ally will be having her endoscopy procedure on Thursday morning. We just got the call from the doctor yesterday- gotta love Navy medicine and all the advanced notice that you get! We will get immediate results and will have time to talk to her doctor after the procedure. He's a great guy and I have a lot of faith in him but we'd still appreciate your prayers. Hopefully we'll finally find a way that we can help Ally and in turn make all of our lives easier.

Matthew will be coming home on Friday (yea, only 3 more days!) after a long month away. We're all really ready to have him around again- even if it's only for a few weeks before he leaves again on the next work up. Though we've missed him terribly, I guess this month has been good for me in a way- it's helped to prepare me for the long 7 month stretch and also shown me that I can do more than I give myself credit for sometimes.

Finally, Friday will also be the day that I go in for my first mammogram since the summer of 2007 when I was pregnant with Ally and had all the biopsies. I waited a few weeks after I'd finished nursing since that can make it hard to get accurate images and I saw my primary care doctor last week for a referral. During her exam she found an area of concern which is hopefully just another fibrous mass like the last one. I still want to get it checked out and make sure that it's nothing before we start trying to give Ally a little brother or sister! ;-)

That's all for now- thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Me said...

Hope all goes well with the Alster... I know it will...but I'll say a little prayer anyway... and good luck with the boob thing... I'm still waiting to hear about the ovary thing... sheesh... can we just catch a break around here? right?

Can't wait to hear the good news.... and that Ally will be better very soon!

love you's