Monday, February 2, 2009

Icky Sicky

Being a mommy while you're sick really stinks. I learned this lesson the hard way yesterday. I had a headache all day Saturday and was fighting a cold that I picked up in Florida. I was coughing so much on Saturday night that I left the bed and went to sleep on the couch so I wouldn't disturb Matthew. When I woke up on Sunday I felt really lousy but the Ally monster was up & ready to go so I put on my game face and proceeded with our normal routine. I powered through the early morning but as we were getting ready to leave for church I got really nauseous. I should have stayed home but like a stubborn idiot I decided to go anyway. About half way there I remembered that I signed us both up to work in the nursery that day! I hope whatever I have isn't contagious- I'd feel terrible if I infected a whole bunch of babies & toddlers! I held it together until we got home then I really fell apart. After praying to the porcelain god for a few minutes I got Ally cleaned up and put down for a nap. She was kind enough to sleep for a whopping 45 minutes during which time I moaned and groaned in bed trying in vain to fall asleep and stop the pounding in my head and the churning in my stomach.

I should mention that we had a contractor at the house working on our deck this weekend. We're paying him by the hour but he reduces his rate when Matthew assists him so he was tied up all day long working on the deck leaving me to try to take care of myself & Ally. Fun, fun, fun!

I managed to stay upright long enough to feed Ally her lunch then I literally sprawled out on the living room floor and surrounded her with some toys. In between bouts of dry heaving I tried to entertain her from my prone position but I know she was wondering what the heck was wrong with mommy. Ally pooped twice during this time which required us both to crawl into the bedroom for diaper changes which induced more dry heaving. Lovely! After several hours of this I was able to put her down for a real nap where she slept for a blessed two hours during which time I dozed in bed, dry heaved some more, and downed my umteenth dose of Tylenol.

Fast forward to 5pm- Ally is awake and ready to eat again. I struggle through mixed veggies and pear pineapple purees- they do nothing to calm my stomach! I lay on the floor some more while she plays and finally give in to my bored child and push her around the house in her little car. Matthew finally finishes up with the deck and comes inside only to run straight out to Costco to load up on all the necessities that I wasn't able to get since I was feeling so crummy. He doesn't return until 6:45 at which point I turn Ally over to him so they can watch the Superbowl together while I make him some dinner since he hasn't eaten all day long. Browning ground turkey and cutting up onions is not an activity I recommend when you're feeling ill.

8pm- Matthew is fed, Ally is asleep and I decide to take a shower. Hot water works wonders and I get a bit of a second wind. I am able to lay in bed and talk to Matthew as he packs for his 3.5 week mini deployment.

I sleep pretty well and wake up feeling decent. Headache is just a dull throb and the nausea is gone for the time being so I decided to suck it up and come to work. Now it's all back full force and I'm struggling to get through the next hour and 15 minutes until I can go home. I'd really like to crawl back in bed, but I need to go to the grocery store and feed Ally before that will be an option. Please God, make it stop! I don't think I can handle another day like this- especially when Matthew is gone.

I have a fleeting memory of my mom being really sick one morning when I was going to school- I couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 and I think she was going through chemo at the time. My mom crawled around the kitchen making my lunch and insisted I go to school even though I wanted to stay home and take care of her. I'm in no way comparing a touch of stomach flu to chemo, but I have a new appreciation of what mommies will do for their kiddos- even when they're feeling awful!


Jana Rossetto-Kennedy said...

Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon. Wish I was around to help you out! Hugs, Jana

Me said...

OH LORD!!!! I feel SO bad for you!!! That sucks so bad... I hope you stayed home from work today... dropped Ally at daycare and went back to bed for a few hours...
take care of yourself sister!

p.s. or maybe hire a sitter tonight? Might be worth it...

Anonymous said...

I caught the same thing and it was not enjoyable. I wholeheartedly admire you for putting up with it and still being able to be a hands on Mommy! It's impressive.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Megan (& Tony)

Anonymous said...

Are you pregnant? Michele Mecca